CHAP. 189.
eighteen hundred and forty, establishing a free school in
said district, shall be repealed, and said school shall after-
wards be governed by the same laws which regulated said
school before the passage of the aforesaid act of eighteen
hundred and forty, otherwise said law shall continue in full
force and effect.
Passed March
7, 1842.
An act entitled, a supplement to an act entitled, an act for
the speedy recovery of Small Debts out of Court, and to
repeal the Acts of Assembly therein mentioned.
made valid
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all proceedings, judgments, executions and
sales made under the act of seventeen hundred and ninety-
one, chapter sixty-eight, where the warrant or warrants
were made returnable before the justice of the peace who
issued the same, or before some other justice of the peace,
shall he deemed, and they arc hereby declared to be as valid
and effectual in all respects as if the said warrants and exe-
tions had been made returnable before the justice of the,
peace issuing the same or before some other justice of the
peace named therein; provided, the warrants, executions
and proceedings thereon have been regular in all other re-
Relate to
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall relate only
to such warrants, judgments, executions, proceedings and
sales in Charles county.
Passed March
4, 1842.
A further supplement to an act entitled, an act to provide
for the Public Instruction of Youth in Primary Schools
throughout this State, passed at December session, eigh-
teen hundred and twenty-five, chapter one hundred and
Citizens to
elect teacher
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, it
shall and may be lawful for the citizens of Woodville dis-
trict, in Frederick county, being one of the primary school
districts in said county, to elect the teacher in said primary
school district, by giving ten days notice of the election by