Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That when the several dis-
trict schools of the upper election district of Caroline coun-
ty, shall have been organized according to the provisions of
this act, they shall and are hereby declared to be free schools
for all the white citizens in their respective districts.
CHAP. 187.
Declared free
schools, etc.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That if it shall appear from
the report of the trustees of any school, that such school
has not been in operation for six months immediately pre-
ceding, then it shall be the duty of the orphans court to with-
hold from such school its proportion of the school fund
which may be due the aforesaid upper election district of
Caroline county.
tion to be
withheld, if
school has not
been in ope-
ration six
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the judges of election of the upper election district of Caro-
line county, at the next annual election for delegates to the
General Assembly of this State, to ask each and every voter
when he offers to vote, whether he be for or against this
act, or in other words, for the school bill or against it, and
it shall be the duty of the clerks of said election, to make,
an entry of both the affirmative and negative votes on said
question on the poll books in two separate columns to be
prepared for that purpose, and it shall be the duty of said
judges to count all the votes so entered, and make return
thereof to the commissioners for said county, and if it shall
be ascertained that a majority of voters are in favor of this
act, then it shall be operative, but if there be a majority
against it, it shall be null and void.
Judges to re-
turn number
of votes for or
against this
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That if this act shall be con-
firmed by the voters of the said upper election district, the
orphans court of said county shall forthwith appoint three
commissioners, whose duty it shall be to define the limits of
the different school districts of the upper election district of
said county, which have not been heretofore defined, and
report the result of their labors to said orphans court at the
earliest day practicable, and said report shall be considered
binding upon the said school districts, and the trustees of the
several schools shall be regulated by the limits of their se-
veral districts as defined by the said commissioners, and said
orphans court shall pay to said commissioners two dollars
each, per clay, out of the school funds of said upper dis-
trict, for the time they may be employed in performing the
If confirmed,
orphans court
to appoint
powers and
duties enjoined upon them by this act.
Sec. 11. Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
clerks of the election of the upper election district, to keep
a separate list of the votes cast by the voters of school dis-
trict number three, of said election district, and if a majority
of the votes cast by the voters of said school district num-
ber three, shall be given against this act, then the law of
Separate list
of votes in the
third school