putting up notices at three of the most public places in said
district, ten days previous to the election.
CHAP. 190.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the same qualifications
be required to vote for a teacher or teachers as is now re-
quired to vote for Delegates to the General Assembly of
this State, and that no one shall be eligible for a teacher un-
less he has a certificate from the board of inspectors, certi-
fying that He is competent to teach all the branches requisite
to be taught in the primary schools in said county.
An act to regulate the Inspection of Red Oak Staves and
Heading in this State.
Passed March
4, 1842.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act it
shall be the duty of any inspector of lumber in this State,
when called upon and requested by the owner of any red
oak staves or heading, to inspect and count the same in the
Inspector of
lumber to in-
spect slaves,
following manner, to wit: every sound stave, twenty-eight
inches long, three inches wide and five-eighths of an inch
thick on the heart, and clear of a bad knot, shall be deemed
and counted as a prime stave, and every sound heading eigh-
teen inches long, five inches wide and five-eights of an inch
thick on the heart, and clear of a bad knot, shall be deemed
Prime staves
and heading
and counted as a prime heading, and all other staves and
headings not coming up to this standard shall be thrown by
as cullings.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That said inspector shall have
as a compensation for his service?, forty cents per thousand,
for all prime staves and headings so inspected and counted
by him, one-half to be paid by the purchaser, and the other
tion of inspec-
half by the seller of the said staves or heading.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That no persons shall act as
inspector of staves or heading, except those commissioned
by the Governor and confirmed by the senate, as lumber in-
spectors, under the penally of one hundred dollars, one: half
to the informer and the other half to the State, to be collec-
Who shall be
ted as other fines and forfeitures are collected in this State;
provided, that nothing in this section shall be construed to ex-
tend to the buyer or seller of said staves or heading, when
by an agreement between them, the said staves or heading
are to be counted without inspecting them.