CHAP. 187.
county, their just proportion of all the school funds belong-
ing or due to the said upper district, which may from time
to time be due and paid by the treasurer of the western
shore for the use of said county.
Powers of
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the trustees of the sev-
eral schools, shall have full power to lay such a tax from
time to time on the taxable property of their respective dis-
tricts, assessed under the provisions of the law for a general
valuation and assessment of property in this State, and to
provide a tax to pay the debts of the State, passed at the
March session of eighteen hundred and forty-one, and to be
assessed under the provisions of the supplement to the afore-
said law, passed at the December session of the aforesaid
year, as may be necessary in addition to the fund received
from the state to pay the salaries of the teachers of their re-
spective schools, purchase stationary, fuel and such other
tion of trea-
powers and
things as may be necessary for the use of said schools and
to pay a moderate compensation to the treasurer of the dis-
trict, who shall have full power to collect such sums from
the taxable persons of the district, as may be directed by
the trustees as aforesaid, and it shall be his duty to give each
person thirty days notice of the levy of said tax, and at the
same time to state the amount due, and in the event of any
of the persons notified as aforesaid, failing to pay as afore-
said, the said treasurer may proceed to collect the same as
county taxes are now collected, and it shall be the duty of
the treasurer to pay over to the order of the trustees as
aforesaid, all such sums as may have been received by him
from time to time, and to keep a proper account, and to make
a regular report of the same to the trustees as aforesaid, an-
nually or when called for.
Duties of the
Sec. 5. Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
trustees of the several schools, organized according to the
provisions of this act, to cause a true copy to be kept of all
the proceedings of their several boards, and a regular re-
port to be made annually at its December session to the or-
phans court of the county, of all the monies received and
paid away, and of the condition of their respective schools,
and of the time they may have been operation for the past
year, and to see that said schools are well conducted, and
that ample justice is done to all the children who may be
May establish
given in charge to their respective schools.
Sec. C. And be it enacted, That the trustees of the se-
veral schools shall have full power to pass such by-laws for
the promotion and good government of their respective
schools, as they in their judgments may think right and pro-
per; provided, the same shall not be inconsistent with any
existing law of this State.