to or inconsistent with any of the rights or privileges of
any citizen or citizens of this or of the United States, of
any and all lands, tenements, hereditaments and appurte-
nances which do, shall or may belong to said company, by
laying out into lots, streets, squares, lanes, alleys and other
divisions, any such lands in the town of Havre-de-Grace or
within the vicinity thereof, or at or near any navigable wa-
ter in. the vicinity thereof, and erecting, constructing; or
making thereon all such wharves, warehouses, stores, dwel-
lings, workshops, factories, lime-kilns, buildings and im-
provements as may be found or deemed necessary to give
effect to the objects and purposes of this act, and appropri-
ate to public purposes, ornament, beautify and improve any
piece or parcel of this said lands in such way and manner
as they may choose; and to sell, rent, lease, convey, grant,
on condition, or otherwise dispose of or use for manufac-
turing or agricultural purposes, any part, parcel or portion
of the lands so as aforesaid owned by them, or of the build
ings and improvements thereon erected.
CHAP. 81.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the president and direc-
tors of the said company, or a majority of them may, when
met and acting as a board, shall have full power and au-
thority to appoint and employ, and in their discretion to dis-
miss and remove all such agents, servants and laborers as
they shall deem necessary to attend to, transact or execute
the affairs and business of said company, and also to fix
and regulate the compensation of persons so employed; to
contract, agree for purchase, rent or hire, all such lands,
buildings, chattels, materials, rights, privileges and effects
whatsoever as they shall deem necessary or find conveni-
ent for effecting the objects of the company as authorised
by this act, and the same or any part thereof; and also to
survey, lay off, make and construct through and over any
of their said lands, any rail road or rail roads to connect
with the basin of the Tide Water Canal, and the Philadel-
phia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rail Road, or either of
them; provided, that said company shall not charge or re-
ceive for tolls on said rail road or rail roads more than ten
cents per mile per ton for the transportation over said rail
road or rail roads, of any goods, wares or merchandise in
cars owned by said company, or more than five cents per
mile per ton for said transportation in cars and not owned
by said company; to call for monthly or other instalments,
from time to time, of the capital stock subscribed, after
giving public notice thereof of not less than thirty days; to
apply the funds so received and other funds belonging to
Employ or dis-
miss agents.
Duties of presi-
dent and di-
Charge of tolls