Annual meet-
Notice required.
Elect officers.
Term of service
and power.
In case of a tie.
If election be
not held.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid,
That the members of said company, after the same shall
have been organised as hereinbefore directed, shall meet
annually on the second Tuesday in April, in the town of
Havre-de-Grace, or at such other time and place as by the
by-laws and regulations of said company may be appoint-
ed, whereof public notice of at least days in some one of
the papers published in Harford or Cecil county shall be
given; and a majority of the members who shall attend the
said meeting either in person or by proxy, shall elect from
amongst the said stockholders one person to serve as presi-
dent, and twelve or more persons as may be determined on
to serve as directors, whose term of office shall be twelve
months, and until others shall be duly elected to succeed
them, which said president and directors, during their term
of service, shall have the sole management and direction of
the stock, property, business, affairs and concerns of said
company, each share of said stock shall entitle the holder
thereof to one vote, and the person having the greatest num-
ber of votes shall be elected to the office designated by
such votes; and if it shall happen at any election that two
or more persons shall have an equal number of votes, so
that no choice shall have been made as to such person, then
the stockholders herein authorised to vote at such elections,
shall proceed by ballot a second time, and by a plurality of
votes determine which of the persons so having an equal
number of votes shall be the director or president, so as to
complete the number required; and in case it shall happen
at any time that an election of officers shall not be made on
the day when, in pursuance of this act it ought to have been
made, the said corporation shall not for that reason, or for
any non-uset, be deemed or taken to be dissolved; but it
shall and may be lawful on any other day, within sixty days
thereafter, to hold an election for officers, in such manner
as may be deemed necessary by the by-laws hereinafter
provided to be made.
Objects defined.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That
the purposes and objects for which the Havre-de-Grace
Real Estate and Manufacturing Company aforesaid are in-
corporated, and which the said company are hereby autho-
rised to effect, are the improvement in such manner as shall
be conformable to the laws of this State, and not contrary