An act to extend the act to allow Henry L. Coombs, late Col-
lector of Prince George's County, further time to complete
his collections.
CHAP. 7.
Passed Jan. 5,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the act, entitled an act to allow Henry L.
Coombs, late collector of Prince George's county, further
time to complete his collections, passed at December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, chapter two hundred
and fifty-four, be and the same is hereby extended to the
first day of May, eighteen hundred and forty-two.
Time extended.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the administratrix of the
said Henry L. Coombs, and such agents or deputies as she
may appoint, shall have all the rights and powers under the
said act in making said collections, that were enjoyed by
the said Henry L. Coombs.
Power to col-
lect reserved
An act to authorise the Orphans' Court of Montgomery
County to permit Eleanor Chiswell, widow of John A.
Chiswell, deceased, to erect a dwelling house on the real
estate of said Chiswell.
Passed Jan. 7,
WHEREAS, Eleanor Chiswell, widow and administratrix
of John A. Chiswell, late of Montgomery county, deceased,
hath, by her petition to this General Assembly, represented
that the dwelling house occupied by the said deceased at
the time of his death, and subsequently by her and the mi-
nor children of the said deceased, is wholly unfit for their
residence with due regard to health and comfort, and that
the same is incapable of repair, and hath prayed the pas-
sage of an act authorising the orphans' court of Montgome-
ry county to permit her to build, at the joint expense of
herself and children, such a dwelling as shall be suited to
the wants and comfort of the family of the said deceased,
and the prayer of her petition being reasonable — there-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the orphans' court of Montgomery county be autho-
rised and empowered, if in their judgment the interest of
the minor children of the said John A. Chiswell would be
Orphans' court
may grant
authority to
erect buildings.