CHAP. 8.
thereby promoted, to authorise and permit the said Eleanor
Chiswell, the widow and administratrix of the said John
A. Chiswell, and natural guardian of his said minor chil-
dren, to erect such buildings on the lands of the said John
A. Chiswell as the said orphans' court shall deem necessa-
ry and proper, at the joint expense of the said Eleanor
Chiswell and said minors, in such just and reasonable pro-
portions as the said orphans' court shall determine, and to
And allow a
allow to the said Eleanor Chiswell in the settlement of her
accounts with said court, a credit for such sum, being part
of the expense of the erection of said building, as they
shall determine to be the proper proportion of the said mi-
nor children in the whole amount thereof.
Passed Jan. 8,
An act to incorporate the Library Company of the Balti-
more Bar.
Individuals in-
Name and style.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That John V. L. McMahon, Hugh Davey
Evans, I. Nevitt Steele, James Mason Cambell, George
William Brown, George W. Dobbin and their associates
and successors, be and they are hereby created a body cor-
porate, under the name and style of "The Library Com-
pany of the Baltimore Bar, " for the sole and exclusive pur-
pose of establishing and continuing a law library, and that
they have power to enact all necessary by-laws for the re-
gulation of the affaire of said company.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall endure for
thirty years from the date of its passage, and that the right
is hereby expressly reserved to the General Assembly of
Maryland to repeal this act of incorporation.