CHAP. 5.
Passed Jan. 6,
An act for the benefit of Edward R. Wheeler, Sheriff of
Charles County.
Bond to be ap-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the justices of the orphans' court of
Charles county be and they are hereby authorised to take
and approve of the bond of Edward R. Wheeler as sheriff
of Charles county, provided, such bond should be tendered
to them on or before the tenth day of February, eighteen
hundred and forty-one.
To be valid.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the bond of said Ed-
ward R. Wheeler, sheriff as aforesaid, if executed and ap-
proved in the manner hereinbefore recited, shall be in all
respects as valid and binding upon the said sheriff and his
securities, as if the same had been executed and approved
of as required by the existing general law of this State.
Passed Dec. 30,
An, act, entitled an act supplemental to an act, entitled an
act to regulate the Municipal Government of Howard
District of Anne Arundel County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That so much of the sixth section of the act
to which this is a supplement, which authorises the com-
missioners of Howard District to appoint one person with-
in said district as the collector of tax of said Howard Dis-
trict, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Sheriff to act as
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That from and after the pas-
sage of this act, the sheriff of Howard District in Anne
Arundel county, shall perform the office of collector of the
tax for said district, and shall in all respects qualify as col-
lectors of the tax now do in Anne Arundel county.
His compensa-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said sheriff shall re-
ceive the same compensation for his services as collector
as aforesaid, which is now allowed to the collector of the
tax for the said Howard District.