CHAP. 75.
If vacancies oc-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if any or either of said
bridge commissioners shall resign or be removed by death
or otherwise, the county commissioners shall be empowered
to fill such vacancy.
Passed Feb. 18,
An act to appoint a Board of Commissioners for the Town
of Oxford, in Talbot County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
that Tench Tilghman, Peter Stevens, Richard B. Willis,
Henry Stewart and Nicholas Willis, be and they are here-
by constituted and appointed a board of commissioners for
the town of Oxford, in Talbot county, to perform and dis-
charge the duties hereinafter required of them.
Their powers.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That the said board of commis-
sioners shall have full power and authority to lay out, mark
and define the several streets in the said town of Oxford,
and to name those without names, and change the name of
any street, lane or alley in said town.
Authorised to
build wharf.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall
have full power and authority to build by subscription,
wharf at or near the termination of the main street of said
town, and that they shall superintend the building thereof,
and after the same is completed it shall be under their ex-
clusive control, and if any person or persons shall stop his,
her or their vessel or vessels or other boats at said wharf,
without the consent of said board of commissioners, the
person or persons so offending shall be liable to pay to said
board of commissioners a reasonable compensation there-
for, to be recovered before a single justice of the peace as
other small debts are.
Fill vacancies.
SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That if a vacancy shall occur at
any time in said board of commissioners by death, resigna-
tion or declining to serve under this act, the remaining
member or members are hereby empowered to fill such va-
cancy or vacancies with suitable men.
Recovery of
SEC. 5. Be it enacted, That the said board of commis-
sioners, in their joint names, shall have power to recover
any sum or sums that may be due them for wharfage or
other things accruing under the discharge of their duties
agreeably to the provisions of this act, as other debts of