similar amounts are now recoverable by the 1aws of this
SEC. 6. Be it enacted, That each commissioner, before
he shall act as such, take an oath before some justice of the
peace to perform the duties required by this act.
CHAP. 76.
Oath of office.
SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That all acts, the provisions of
which are inconsistent with this act, be and the same are
hereby repealed.
An act supplementary to the act, passed at December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, chapter ninety-
eight, to regulate the Municipal Government of Howard
District of Anne Arundel County.
Repeal of in-
consistent acts.
Passed Feb. 18,
WHEREAS, by the seventeenth section of the said act,
all proceedings,, writs, process. and pleas at law or in equi-
ty, civil and criminal, depending in Anne Arundel county
court, at the time of the passage of the said act, were di-
rected to remain and continue in the said county court of
Anne Arundel, until the final end and determination thereof
in due course of law, and for that purpose, certain powers
and authority were conferred upon the officers of Anne
Arundel county; and whereas, inconvenience has been found
to result from the issuing of process upon such proceed-
ings and pleas, to be served upon persons residing in the
said Howard district, to the sheriff of Anne Arundel
county; for remedy whereof,
SECTION 1. Re it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, all
such writs and process, upon proceedings and pleas, at
law or in equity, civil and criminal, where the parties
against whom the same may issue, may be resident of the
said Howard district, shall issue to, and be delivered to
the sheriff of the said Howard district, who shall have
full power and authority to execute and serve the same,
Sheriff Howard
District may
serve process
on residents of
said District.
and to make return thereof to the Anne Arundel county
court, in the same manner in all respects as the sheriff of
Anne Arundel county is now authorised and required to do;
provided however, that all such writs and process which may
be in the hands of the sheriff of Anne Arundel county, at
And make re-
turn to A. A.
county court.