CHAP. 73.
Banking forbid.
rules and regulations for the government and perpetuation
of the said society.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That nothing herein contained
shall be so construed as to authorise this corporation to is-
sue any device, token, note, certificate or other evidence of
debt, to be used as currency.
Right to repeal.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the right is hereby ex-
pressly reserved to the General Assembly of Maryland, at
its pleasure, to alter or repeal this act of incorporation.
Passed Feb. 15,
An act to authorise the Trustees of Primary School Dis-
trict, number seventy-two, in Frederick County, to dis-
pose of certain Real Estate therein mentioned.
Authority to
sell house and
lot, &c.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That William C. Smallwood, David Boyd and Lewis J.
Brengle, trustees of primary school district number seven-
ty-two, in Frederick county, or in the event of the death
of one or more of them, the survivor or survivors of them,
are hereby authorised and empowered to sell and convey,
by a good and sufficient deed in fee simple, to the purchaser
or purchasers thereof, a certain house and lot which they
as trustees aforesaid, purchased for a school house in said
Apply proceeds.
district, and dispose of the proceeds thereof as authorised
for the use of said primary school district.
Pawed Feb. 18,
An act to divorce James Gooden, of Prince George's
County, from his wife Jane Gooden.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That James Gooden be and he is hereby divorced from his
wife Jane Gooden, a vinculo matrimonii.