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Session Laws, 1840
Volume 592, Page 56   View pdf image
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SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall be and re-
main in force until the first day of January, eighteen hun-
dred and fifty-nine, and until the end of the next session of
the General Assembly which shall happen thereafter.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That nothing herein con-
tained shall be so construed as to authorise or empower
said corporation to issue any note, certificate, token or evi-
dence of debt, to be used as currency, and the right is
hereby expressly reserved to the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, at its pleasure, to alter, amend or annul this act of


CHAP. 71.

In force.

Banking forbid.

Right reserved.

An act to incorporate the German Herman Beneficial So-
ciety of Baltimore.

WHEREAS, Mathias Peter, Andrew Keller, Peter Kreis,
Joseph Keller, Frantz Winter, Mariz Berger, Martin Bam-
berger, Ulrick Volk, Michael Baur, William Fegbeutel
and John Brenker, by their petition to this General Assem-
bly have set forth, that they and others of the city of Bal-
timore have formed themselves into an association by the
name of the German Herman Beneficial Society of Balti-
more, for the purpose of providing a fund, by small peri-
odical contributions in time of health, for the support of
such members of the association during sickness, as may
hereafter be in need of assistance; and with a view the bet-
ter to carry out the benevolent object of the association,
have prayed to be incorporated — therefore,

Passed Feb. 15,


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said Mathias Peter, Andrew Keller,
Peter Kreis, Joseph Keller, Franz Winter, Mariz Berger,
Martin Bamberger, Ulrick Volk, Michael Baur, William
Fegbentel and John Brinker and their associates and suc-
cessors, and all those who may hereafter become members
of the said association, be and they are hereby created and

Individuals in-

made a body corporate, by the name and style of the Ger-
man Herman Beneficial Society of Baltimore, and by that
name shall have succession for thirty years, and be capable
in law to sue and be sued; to adopt and have a corporate
seal; to take, hold, sell and transfer any estate, real and
personal, not exceeding in the whole the value of five
thousand dollars at any one time; and to make by-laws,

Name and style.
Corporate pow-

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Session Laws, 1840
Volume 592, Page 56   View pdf image
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