CHAP. 70.
Limit of pro-
Legal capacity.
ded, the value of property, held at any one time, shall not
exceed ten thousand dollars, and to sue and be sued, plead
and be impleaded, and to make, have and use one common
seal, and the same to alter at pleasure; and generally to do
all acts and things which may be necessary to carry into
effect the objects of the said corporation.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the officers of said so-
ciety shall consist of a president, vice president, treasurer
and secretary, to be elected on the first Monday in March
annually, a majority of the members present being neces-
sary to a choice; the society shall also have power to ap-
point such other officers as they may deem expedient, and
in such manner as they may think proper.
General powers.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said society shall
have power to pass by laws, to fix the amount in money
which each person shall pay on being admitted a member
of the said society, to fix the amount of monthly, quarter-
ly and yearly contributions, which each member of the
society shall pay, and the fines which members shall pay
for breaches of the laws of the society, to regulate the
distribution of the funds of the society among the members
of the society and their families, whom sickness or misfor-
tune may have rendered proper objects of charity, within
the views and objects of the society, to make rules and re-
gulations for the admission of members, and for the expul-
sion of members, whose misconduct may have rendered
them unworthy to remain members of the society, and to
make such other regulations, rules and by-laws as shall be
expedient and necessary to accomplish the objects of the
society, and are not repugnant to the laws of Maryland;
provided always, that all alterations or amendments to the
constitution or by-laws of said society, to be valid, must
be adopted by two-thirds of the members of the said so-
ciety, present at a stated meeting; said alterations or amend-
ments to be submitted by consent of a majority of the mem-
bers present, at least two months previous to the stated
meeting at which they arc to be acted upon, and each mem-
ber to be notified of said meeting and its objects; and that
any one who may feel himself aggrieved by any by-laws
of the said society, or is unwilling to submit to any by-law,
rule or regulation of the society, may at any time with-
draw from the said society, and cease to be a member, on
relinquishing all claim to the beneficial aid of the said so-
ciety, and to the contributions which he may have paid to
the said society.