CHAP. 66.
Passed Feb. 15,
An act for the relief of the Bailiffs of Frederick County
To receive a per
diem of $1. 50.
How paid.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the bailiffs appointed by the sheriff of Frederick coun-
ty, be and they are hereby respectively entitled to the sum of
one dollar and fifty cents per day, for their services as bai-
liffs of Frederick county court, and that upon |a certificate
from the clerk of said county, of the number of days that
each of them attended, the collector of taxes for said coun-
ty, is hereby ordered and directed to pay over on present-
ation of such certificate or certificates the amount thereof,
in the same manner that the jurors of said county are now
Passed Feb. 13,
An act to confirm the Proceedings of the Commissioners of
Primary Schools of Howard District, in Anne-Arundel
County, in altering the school district, in said Howard
WHEREAS, it is represented that the commissioners of pri-
mary schools of Howard District, in Anne-Arundel county,
at a meeting held some time in the year eighteen hundred and
forty, have altered and changed the lines of some of the
school districts in said Howard District, and as said altera-
tions and changes were not made between the first day of
April and the first day of June, in said year, nor with the
consent of the trustees of said school districts, it is
doubted whether the said proceedings are regular and legal:
Proceedings de-
clared valid.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the proceedings of the aforesaid commissioners in al-
tering and changing the lines of the school districts, in said
Howard District, shall be, and the same are hereby declar-
ed to be as legal and effectual, as if the same had taken
place between the first day of April and the first day of
June, in the said year, or had been consented to by the trus-
tees of the said school districts, so altered as aforesaid.