An act to incorporate the Convention of the Protestant
Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Maryland, for the
purposes therein mentioned.
CHAP. 67.
Passed Feb. 13,
WHEREAS, the members of the Protestant Episcopal
church, in Maryland, have subscribed for and raised a fund
for the permanent support of the Episcopate of said church;
and whereas also, the convention of the said church, which
by the constitution thereof is entrusted with the administra-
tion of its concerns, has no legal authority to receive, invest
or dispose of said fund or the proceeds arising therefrom,
and to that end have asked that a law may be passed incor-
porating the said convention, for the purpose alone of
administering the said funds, according to the design of said
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the persons who now constitute, and may
hereafter constitute the convention of the Protestant Epis-
copal church of the diocese of Maryland, shall be and they
are hereby incorporated, and made a body corporate and
politic, by the name of the convention of the Protestant
Episcopal church of the diocese of Maryland, and by that
name they and their successors to be elected, appointed
and qualified according to the form and effect of the consti-
tution of the said church for the time being, shall have per-
petual succession, and by that name be capable of suing and
being sued in any court of law or equity in this state, and
shall have and use a common seal, and the same break, al-
ter and renew at pleasure, and shall have and exercise
such other powers as shall or may be necessary or proper,
to carry into effect the objects of the incorporation.
Legal capacity.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corporation shall
have full power and authority to take and hold subscriptions
or contributions in money or otherwise, for the purpose of
creating a permanent fund for the support of the Episco-
pate in said diocese, and the same to invest, and the pro-
ceeds thereof to apply for the purpose aforesaid, as may
from time to time be deemed most expedient, and shall
likewise have full power and authority to appoint an exe-
cutive committee or other trustees, by whatever name or
names they may he designated, to administer said fund in
such manner and form, and with such authority as the said
corporation shall from time to time prescribe; provided how-
Corporate pow-
ers, &c.