Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That John Powell be and he is hereby authorised and em-
powered to take, hold and dispose of the real property he
may now possess, within the limits of the State of Mary-
land, or which he may hereafter acquire, in the same man-
ner as if he, the said John Powell had been, and was a na-
turalized citizen of the United States, at the time when his
CHAP. 3.
Empowered to
hold property.
claim to such property originated; provided, that the said
John Powell shall, so soon after the passage of this act as
the law will permit, become naturalized agreeably to the
laws of the United States; but if the said John Powell
should die before he thus becomes naturalized, his heirs
shall inherit in the same manner as if he had been a natura-
lized citizen.
An act, entitled an act to authorise the removal of certain
cases to the Court of Howard District of Anne Arundel
Passed Jan. 6,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That upon the passage of this act, it shall be
the duty of the clerk of Anne Arundel county court, to
transmit a copy of the record of such cases now upon the
docket of said last mentioned court, to the court of How-
ard district of Anne Arundel county, as the parties, plain-
tiffs and defendants, or their attornies, shall direct to be so
Copy of record
to be trans-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That upon the transmission
of such record to said court of Howard district, as afore-
said, it shall be the duty of said court to proceed to try
said case or cases, as removed causes are now tried.
Court to try ca-
ses so trans-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the clerk of Anne Arundel county court, to charge one
half of the expenses of such transcript in said cases to
the plaintiffs, and the other half to the defendants.
Expense— how