CHAP. 63.
Passed Feb. 10,
An act to prohibit the construction of County Roads with-
in the limits of Washington County, in certain cases.
Assent of the
owner of house
&. c. to be ob-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be
lawful for the commissioners of Washington county to con-
struct, or cause to be constructed, any public or county
road within the limits of said county, so as to pass between;
any dwelling house and spring, well or reservoir of water
used and necessary for family purposes, where the owner
or owners of said dwelling house refuse to the commission-
ers aforesaid the right to construct and lay out such road
between said dwelling house and any spring, well or reser-
voir of water, provided, said spring, well or reservoir of
water is not situated, from such dwelling house in distance
more than two hundred yards; and provided also, that the
tenants in possession of said dwelling are the legal and
bona fide proprietors of the premises upon which both said,
dwelling, spring, well or reservoir are situated, any law in-
consistent with the provisions of this act to the contrary
Passed Feb. 12,
An act to confer upon the Corporation of the City of Bal-
timore power, to collect Taxes due to said Corporation.
May provide by
ordinance for
collecting tax.
And sell real
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore may, and
shall have full power to provide by ordinance or otherwise,
for the prompt collection of taxes due to the city of Balti-
more, and to that end may and shall have power to sell,
real as well as personal property, any thing in any act or
acts of Assembly to the contrary notwithstanding.