CHAP. 69.
Passed Feb. 10,
An act to divorce Frances Smith, of the City of Balti-
more, from her husband George Smith.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Frances Smith, of the city of Baltimore, be and she
is hereby divorced from her husband George Smith, a vin-
culo matrimonii.
Passed Feb. 10
A supplement to an act passed at the present session, en-
titled a supplement to an act, entitled an act to incorpo-
rate the Baltimore and Potomac Steam Packet Compa-
ny, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
twenty-eight, chapter one hundred and eighty-three.
Stockholders to
vote by proxy
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That at any special meeting of stockholders
that may be called and be held for the consideration of the
said act to which this is a supplement, any of the stock-
holders who may not attend in person, shall be entitled to
be represented and to vote by proxy upon the question of
the adoption or rejection of said act; provided, that a ma-
jority of the whole number of shares of stock shall be
present, either by stockholders in person, or stockholders
represented by proxy.
Prescribed oath
not necessary.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That in order to au-
thorise such vote by proxy on the question of the adoption
or rejection of said act to which this is a supplement, it
shall not be necessary for the stockholder or stockholders
who may choose to be represented by proxy, to take the
oath prescribed by the act of Assembly passed at Decem-
ber session, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, chapter two
hundred and sixty-four.
Before distribu-
tion, notice to
be given.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That before the di-
rectors of said company shall make any distribution of the
assets of said company amongst the stockholders thereof,
it shall be their duty, in case the said act to which this is a
supplement, shall be adopted, to give public notice to the
creditors of said company, if any, to produce their claims
for settlement on or before some day to be limited in that
behalf, at least thirty days after the day of the date of the.