SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That for the present, the board
of managers of the said association shall consist of the per-
sens hereinbefore named; and that the archbishop of the Ro-
man Catholic church at Baltimore, for the time being, shall
always, ex officio, be the president of the board of managers
of said corporation; and the priest of the said church, who
under the said archbishop, shall have charge of the church
of Saint Vincent of Paul's, shall, ex officio, be the vice pre-
CHAP, 57.
sident of the said board of managers', and no vacancy which
may occur in the present board of managers by the death
or resignation of any of the above named lay members,
shall be filled whilst there remain four lay managers of the
said board, so that the number of lay managers may be re-
duced to four, and not afterwards increased; and any va-
cancy which may occur after the number has been so re-
duced, may from time to lime thereafter, be supplied by
the election of a new member to be made by the then
members of said board of managers.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That whenever any male child
or children shall -be placed in the said asylum by the pa-
Tents or guardian of such child or children, or by the or-
phans' court, or any two justices of the peace, such child
or children shall thenceforth be subject to all the laws of
this State regulating apprentices; and the said board of ma-
nagers may, when they shall deem proper so to do, bind
out as an apprentice any child so placet! in the said asylum,
the contract to be executed and recorded as indentures of
apprenticeship are now required to be by law.
Children sub-
ject to law re-
gulating ap-
May bind out
any child.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the property of the said
corporation, whilst used as an orphan asylum for destitute
children, according to the provisions of this act, shall be
exempt from taxation.
Property ex-
empt from tax.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained
shall be so construed as to authorise this corporation, to is-
sue any note, token, device or other certificate of debt, to
be used as currency.
SEC. 6, And be it enacted, That this act shall enure for
thirty years from the date of its passage, unless sooner re-
pealed by the General Assembly.
Banking forbid.
In force.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the right is hereby ex-
pressly reserved to the General Assembly of Maryland, at
its pleasure, to repeal this act of incorporation.
Right to repeal.