No. 15.
Resolution for the payment of subscription to newspapers
for the use of the Members of the Legislature, by the
chief clerk of the Senate and House of Delegates.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, pay to George G.
Brewer, chief clerk to the House of Delegates, and Joseph
H. Nicholson, chief clerk of the Senate, out of any unap-
propriated money in the treasury, the amount of the seve-
ral accounts that may from time to time be presented to
them, the said clerks, for newspapers furnished the mem-
bers of the Legislature, during the sessions of December
1840, and March 1841; and that he also pay the amounts
for postage upon letters forwarded and received by said
clerics, relative to the duties of their respective offices.
No. 16.
Passed April 6,
Resolution for the payment of one days per diem to the
Members and Officers of the Legislature, to enable them
to attend the funeral of the late President of the United
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be and he is hereby
directed to pay to the several members of the Legislature,
and officers of the two house and the Secretary of State,
respectively, the amount of one day's per diem, for ex-
penses incurred in attending the funeral of the late Presi-
dent of the United States.
No. 17.
Passed April 6,
Resolution in favor of John N. Stewart.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be directed to pay
Passed April 6,