to John N. Stewart, twenty dollars, in consideration of
services rendered.
No. 18.
Passed April 6,
Resolution in favor of Joseph H. Nicholson.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is hereby
directed to pay, out of any unappropriated money in the
Treasury, to Joseph H. Nicholson, or order, one hundred
dollars, as compensation, in full, for procuring copies of
the certificates and accompanying papers of the Electors
of President and Vice President of the United States for
the State of Maryland, from the year seventeen hundred
and eighty-nine to the year eighteen hundred and twenty-
eight, inclusive, and for recording the same, together with
the proceedings of the said Electors for the year eighteen
hundred and thirty-two, eighteen hundred and thirty-six
and eighteen hundred and forty, agreeably to the directions
contained in the preamble and resolutions of the General
Assembly of Maryland; of December session, eighteen
hundred and forty.
No. 19.
Passed April 6,
Resolution providing six hundred and sixty-six copies of
the Law levying a Direct Tax, to be printed and distri-
buted under the direction of the Treasurer of the Wes-
tern Shore.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
printer to the House of Delegates be, and he is hereby di-
rected, forthwith to print, in pamphlet form, six hundred
and sixty-six copies of the act passed at the present ses-
sion, entitled an act for the general valuation and assess-
ment of property in this State, and to provide a tax to pay
the debts of the State, whereof so many copies shall be
delivered to the Treasurer for the Western Shore as may
be necessary to enable him to supply therewith the per-
sons who are entitled to receive forms of "the returns of