nine, entitled an act to regulate the municipal government
of Howard District of Anne-Arundel county, which are in-
consistent with this act, be and the same are hereby
CHAP. 51.
An act to authorise the Justices of the Levy Court of Frede-
rick County, and the Commissioners of Tax for Carroll
County, in their discretion, to levy a sum of money to
build a bridge over the Monococy River, on the public
road leading from Emmitsburg to Bruceville and Mid-
dleburg, at the ford commonly known as Wilson's ford.
Passed Feb. 8,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, it
shall and may be lawful for the Levy court of Frederick
county, and the commissioners of tax for Carroll county, in
their discretion, to levy a sum of money upon the assess-
able property of their respective counties, not exceeding
six thousand dollars in all, the one-half of which sum to be
levied by the justices of the levy court of Frederick county,
and the other half by the commissioners of tax for Carroll
county, for the purpose of building a bridge over the river
Monococy, on the public road leading from Emmitsburg to
Bruceville and Middleburg, at the ford commonly known
as Wilson's ford, of such materials and of such construction
as they, in their judgment, may think best calculated to
promote the public interest.
Levy of $6, 000
One half by Fre-
derick and one
half by Carroll
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the justices of the levy
court of Frederick county, and the commissioners of tax
for Carroll county, shall not levy the whole sum in any one
year, but may levy a certain portion of said money each
and every year, on the assessable property of said counties,
not exceeding one thousand dollars in each county, in any
one year, until a sufficient sum is raised not exceeding one
thousand dollars in each county.
A portion only
to be levied in
any one year.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That whenever such levy is
made by the justices of the levy court of Frederick county,
and the commissioners of tax for Carroll county, and a suf-
ficient sum of money raised to justify said justices of the
levy court of Frederick county, and the commissioners of
tax for Carroll county, in their judgment, to proceed in the
To make out
plan of bald-
ing bridge