CHAP. 52.
Notice for pro-
Make contract.
And take bond.
object contemplated by this act, it is and may be lawful for
said justices of the levy court of Frederick county, and the
commissioners of tax for Carroll county, to agree upon and
make out a certain plan for the building of said bridge, so
soon as the nature of the case will admit; and when so
agreed upon, it shall be the duty of said justices of the
levy court of Frederick county, and the commissioners of
tax for Carroll county, to give public notice in at least one
newspaper printed in Frederick town, and one in Westmin-
ster, for proposals for building said bridge; and they are
hereby authorised to enter into and make contracts with
any one person or persons competent for building said bridge:
and the justices of the levy court of Frederick county, and
the commissioners of tax for Carroll county, are hereby
authorised and required to take bond or bonds, with suffi-
cient security, from any person or persons, contractor or
contractors, for the faithful performance of the contract
entered into for building said bridge.
To be void if
deemed inex-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall be entirely
void, if either the levy court of Frederick county, or the
commissioners of tax of Carroll county, shall determine that
it is inexpedient to build the said bridge.