CHAP. 2.
Trustees ap-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Samuel Cox, James L. Billingslea, John
Smith, Henry Harbaugh and William Roberts, be and they
are hereby appointed trustees to the Uniontown academy,
in Uniontown, Carroll county, to serve as such, from the
first day of January, eighteen hundred and forty-one, until
the last day of March, eighteen hundred and forty-one, or
till their successors are qualified.
Time for elect-
ing trustees.
How conducted.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That on the last Monday of
March in each and every year thereafter, or within thirty
days thereafter, an election shall be held by the qualified
voters, at the academy, by ballot, and the five persons hav-
ing a majority of votes, shall be declared the trustees as
aforesaid; provided nevertheless, that the said election for
trustees shall be conducted in the manner and form direct-
ed by the third section of the act of December session,
eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, chapter two hundred
and forty-three, except so far as therein relates to the time
of holding said election.
Passed Jan. 6,
An act for the benefit of John Powell, of Allegany County.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly,
on behalf of John Powell, that he is a native of England,
and has resided in these United States since September, in
the year eighteen hundred and thirty; that in December of
that year he made, before the district court of the city of
Washington, a declaration of his intention to become a na-
turalized citizen of the United Stales, which declaration is
on the records of that court; that he was engaged in mining
operations, and resided between four and five years in two
of the Southern States, namely, North Carolina and Geor-
gia, and afterwards nearly a year in the District of Colum-
bia; and that in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six,
he located himself in Allegany county, in this State, where
he has resided ever since; and that in consequence of these
changes of residence, he has not been able to prove a re-
sidence of five years in the United States, as required by
law, to enable him to obtain letters of naturalization; and
whereas, the said John Powell lias become the holder of
real properly in the State, but cannot exercise a legal con-
trol or disposition of the same, because he is not a natura-
lized citizen of the State — therefore,