SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
of Somerset county shall proceed to appoint lor each school
district in the county, (as laid off agreeably to the provi-
sions of the first section of the act passed twenty-ninth
day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, ) three
trustees, to whom authority is hereby given, to procure
and erect, by individual subscription or otherwise, a suit-
able school-house, conveniently located in each district;
and it shall be the duty of the said trustees, so soon as
they have obtained such school-house, to inform the coun-
ty commissioners of Somerset county of the fact, in wri-
CHAP. 62.
Three trustees
to be appointed
for each school
Their duties.
ting; it shall then be the duty of the said commissioners to
appropriate such sum or sums of money out of the funds
which may be in their hands for the purposes of common
school education in Somerset county, and shall give an or-
der on the Bank of Salisbury to pay the same, as in their
judgment may be necessary and proper for tuition only, to
each school district in said county, said district being first
provided with a suitable school-house; it shall also be the
duty of said county commissioners to appoint one of the
trustees of each school district, to whom or to whose order
shall be paid all or any portion of the monies that may be
appropriated by the said commissioners to said schools, re-
Duty of com-
spectively, and it shall be the duty of the trustees of each
school district to procure and make choice of some com-
petent person as teacher of said schools, having due re-
gard to the moral character and capacity to instruct, of
Teachers to be
said teacher; and they shall pay the said teacher so much
per quarter, by the year or half year, as they may be en-
abled to do from the amount of money which may be al-
lowed to their school or schools by the said county com-
missioners, together with such sum or sums of money as
the said trustees may be enabled to procure by individual
subscription for the maintenance and support of education
in said school districts, respectively; that every child in
the district shall be admitted into the school upon a per-
feet equality, and the education of no one to be paid for
or considered as poor scholars.
Admission of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said trustees shall
make return, in writing, to the commissioners of Somerset
county, in the month of December in each year, setting
forth the, amount of money received by them in their re-
spective school districts, from individual subscribers, the
names of such subscribers, the amount of their subscrip-
tion, respectively, the number of scholars taught, and the
Return required
of trustees.