CHAP. 62.
Passed April 6,
An act to authorise the hearing of a certain Appeal from
the Court of Chancery, at the next Term of the Court
of Appeals.
WHEREAS, Henry Groverman and Amelia, his wife,
have represented to this General Assembly that they are
appellants, from orders of the Court of Chancery, in a
cause between them, of the one part, and Diffenderffer and
others, of the other part, and have set forth circumstances
which justly entitle the said appellants to an earlier hear-
ing of their said appeal than it would have in the ordinary
course of the Court of Appeals — therefore,
To be deter-
mined at June
term 1841.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland.
That the said Court of Appeals be, and they are hereby
authorised and required to hear and determine the said ap-
peals at the June term of the year eighteen hundred and
forty-one of said court.
Passed April 6,
An act for the Promotion of Education in Somerset
Treasurer W. S.
to pay all school
money to order
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore he,
and he is hereby authorised and required, to pay over to
the order of the commissioners of Somerset county, all
sums of money which are now, or may hereafter be ap-
portioned to Somerset county, out of the common or free
school fund or funds of the State, or which may be appor-
tioned to said county out of the interest in the State's por-
tion of the surplus fund of the United States, or which
said county may be entitled to receive from the State for
common school purposes, from any fund whatever.
To be deposited
in Bank of Sal-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners for
Somerset county be, and they are hereby directed to de-
posite, in the Bank of Salisbury, within twenty clays after
its reception, all sums of money which may or shall come
into their possession from the Treasurer of the Western
Shore, in conformity to the provisions of this act, and to
draw on said bank in which said money may be deposited,
for the same, as is hereinafter provided.