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Session Laws, 1840
Volume 592, Page 343   View pdf image
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CHAP. 27.

Passed April 5,

Levy for sundry
persons directed.


An act for the relief of sundry Poor Persons, in the seve-
ral counties therein mentioned.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy courts or commissioners of Harford, Queen
Ann's and Prince George's counties, be and they are here-
by severally authorised, directed and required, at their
annual meeting, so long as they shall see cause so to do, to
assess and levy on the assessable property of said counties,
for the use of the several persons hereinafter mentioned,
any sum of money, not exceeding the several sums annex-
ed to their respective names, viz: in Harford county, for
James C. White, thirty dollars; for William Kills, thirty
dollars; in Queen Ann's county, for Susan Hocter, twenty-
five dollars; for Ann E. Clark, twenty-five dollars; for Mary
Nickerson, twenty-five dollars; in Prince George's county,
for Sarah Ann Tate, twenty-five dollars; for Jeremiah
Newton, twenty dollars; for Mary Newton, twenty dollars;
and that the commissioners for Anne Arundel county, shall
levy for Anne Bright, twenty dollars; for Mary Robinson,
twenty dollars; for Anne Busey, twenty dollars; for Wil-
liam Parrish, twenty dollars, payable to themselves or their
orders respectively, or such person or persons as the said
levy courts or commissioners shall direct.


Passed April 5,

Their wharf
exempted from
ordinance rela-
tive to huck-
stering wood.

An act for the relief of David Greves and Cornelius Ryan,
of the City of Baltimore, and for other purposes.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, the
wharf property now owned by David Greves, and occupi-
ed by David Greves and Son, situate in that part of the
City of Baltimore, called Fell's Point, and the wharf pro-
perty now in the occupancy of Cornelius Ryan, also situ-
ate in that part of the City of Baltimore, called Fell's Point,
be and the same are hereby released and exempted
from the provisions of an ordinance enacted by the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, entitled, an ordinance to
regulate the granting of licenses to huckster wood on any
of the wharves in the City of Baltimore, in conformity with

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Session Laws, 1840
Volume 592, Page 343   View pdf image
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