CHAP. 37.
Payment of do-
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That all donations or grants from
the State, which have heretofore been made to John McEl-
roy, principal of St. John's Literary Institution of Frede-
rick, shall hereafter be paid to the order of the principal of
St. John's Literary Institution, hereby incorporated, and
his successors; provided, that the legislature shall at all
times have the right to repeal this act of incorporation,
saving to the individuals composing said corporation, their
right and title to all property by the said institution acquired
at and before the time of repealing the same.
Passed Feb. 4,
An act to enable Abraham Wilhelm, of St. Mary's Coun-
ty, to complete his collections.
Power to col-
lect granted.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for Abraham
Wilhelm, late collector of taxes for St. Mary's county, to
use all the powers and authorities conferred by law upon
collectors, in order to complete his collection of taxes in
and for said county.
In force.
Bond liable, &c.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this law shall be in force
until the first clay of March, eighteen hundred and forty-
two; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be so
construed, as to relieve the said Abraham Wilhelm, or his
securities, from any liabilities on his bond or bonds as col-
lector, for defaults occurring prior to the passage of this
Passed Feb. 6,
An act for the relief of John Yost, Philip Yost and Jacob
L. Yost.
Deed made va-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a deed from Henry Weaver, to John
Yost, executed and bearing date the fifth day of April,
eighteen hundred and thirty, and recorded among the land
records of Baltimore county, in Liber W. G. number two
hundred and four, folio five hundred and ten, and so forth,
be and the same is hereby made valid and effectual, to pass