CHAP. 11.
Legal capacity.
use of said academy, in such manner as to them, or a quo-
rum of them, shall seem most beneficial to the institution,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said trustees and
their successors shall be capable of suing and being sued,
at law or in equity, and of having and using one common
seal, and the same at their pleasure to break, alter or re-
Corporate pow-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said trustees and
their successors, or a quorum of them, shall have power,
from time to time, to appoint professors, teachers and as-
sistants, for instructing the students of said academy in the
languages, and in such branches of education as they shall
deem it proper to have taught therein; and to make all such
laws, ordinances, rules and regulations for the good govern-
ment of said academy, and the instruction of the students
therein, and for the direction, visitation and examination of
said students as shall, in their opinion, promote the objects
of the institution, the same not being repugnant to the con-
stitution and laws of this State; and also to regulate thereby
the time of meeting of said trustees, and the duties of each
professor, teacher or assistant.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That a majority of said trus-
tees shall be, and are hereby declared to be a quorum, and
are hereby empowered to meet at said academy, or any
place by them to be designated, and when so assembled,
shall do any act, matter or thing which the whole number
of trustees might do were they present or attending, any
thing in any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Mar. 31,
An act to divorce Anne Gilham, alias Gillam, of Anne
Arundel County, from her husband Thomas Gilham,
alias Gillam.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Anne Gilham, alias Gillam, of Anne
Arundel county, be, and she is hereby divorced from her
husband Thomas Gilham, alias Gillam, a mensa et thoro.
Rights secured.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all the estate, both real
and personal, of which the said Anne Gilham is now seized
or possessed, or to which her husband, the said Thomas
Gilham is, or might be entitled by virtue of their intermar-