in the erection of a free school in said town, under the pro-
visions of the act to establish primary schools in Prince
George's county, passed at December session, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-seven:
CHAP. 10.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That whenever the trustees of the Upper Marlbro' Acade-
my shall certify to the trustees of the free school fund of
Prince George's county that they have accepted of the
provisions of this act, and the act to which this is a further
supplement, and have made their said academy a free
School or academy, it shall and may be lawful for the trus-
tees of the free school fund of said county, and they are
hereby authorised and required, to draw on the judges of
the orphans' court of said county for such sum or sums of
money, not exceeding the sum or price paid by them for
the erection of any other free school in said county, paya-
ble to the order of the trustees of the said academy; which
said draft shall be paid by the said judges of the orphans'
court, out of the free school fund of said county, now on
deposite in Said orphans' court.
Upon accept-
ance this act
and supplem'nt
trustees to draw
on orphans' ct.
for money, &c.
An act to incorporate the West River Academy.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Doctor Martin Fenwick, Henry A. Hall,
Alexander I. Murray, John G. Rogers, Sprigg Harwood,
Henry Owens and Francis Bird, be and they are hereby
appointed trustees of an academy established at Owens-
ville, in Anne Arundel county, and to be called the West
Passed Mar. 30,
Trustees named.
River Academy, and that said trustees and their successors
shall be, and they are hereby established and declared to
be one community, corporation or body politic, with per-
petual succession in fact and in law, to all purposes con-
nected with the said institution, and shall bear the name and
style of the Trustees of the West River Academy; and by
the said name and title, the said trustees and their succes-
Name and style.
sors shall be competent and capable at law or in equity, to
take and to bold to themselves and their successors, for the
use of said academy, any estate in lands, tenements, goods
and chattels, monies, stocks or effects, by the gift, convey-
ance, devise or bequest of any person whatever, and the
same to convey, lease land, or otherwise dispose of for the
Hold property.