riage, be, and the same is hereby secured to her own ex-
clusive benefit; and the said estate be, and the same is here-
by discharged from any claim or demand on the part of her
said husband.
CHAP. 13.
An act to change the Name of William Caldwell to Wil-
liam Quarll Caldwell, of Baltimore City.
Passed April 8,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the name of William Caldwell, of Baltimore city, for-
merly of Harford county, be, and the same is hereby
changed to William Quarll Caldwell; and that he shall be
at all times, and in all respects entitled to use the name of
William Quarll Caldwell as if the same had been given to
him to him in baptism.
Name changed.
An act, entitled an act to protect the Property in Kent and
Queen Anne's Counties, laying upon Chester River.
Passed April 2,
WHEREAS, it has been found from experience, that, the
property laying upon Chester river is, and has been for
years liable to constant injury from a lawless set of men,
denominated Philadelphia and Baltimore seine-haulers, pos-
sessing nor desiring a fixed home, in the constant habit of
making nightly incursions, burning fences and houses, de-
stroying property in various ways, conniving with negroes,
and injuring the neighborhood to an inconceivable extent —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in addition to the remedy by action of
trespass, the seine, boat, tackle and apparel, and all things
in and belonging to said boat, shall be liable to be seized
and distrained by the owner or occupant of the shores of
the said river, for the damages done in hauling such seine
or seines on such shore, without permission from said owner
Seine-boats, &c
liable for dama-
ges done by hau-
ling seines, &c.
or occupant; the amount of said damages to be ascertained
by the valuation of a justice of the peace, or by three citi-
zens, to be summoned and sworn by any justice at the re-
Damages to be