SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said corporation
shall have power to hold stated meetings, to establish and
put in execution, alter, abolish or modify such by-laws,
rules and regulations as to them shall seem most conducive
to the objects aid interest of the society, provided, the
same shall not be contrary to the laws or constitution of
this State, or of the linked States.
CHAP. 4.
Make by-laws.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
shall be so construed as to authorise the said corporation to
issue any note, token, device or other evidence of debt, to
be used as a currency.
Banking forbid.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the right is hereby
expressly reserved to the Legislature, at its pleasure, to
amend or annul this act of incorporation.
Right to repeal.
SEC. 6 And be it enacted, That this act shall endure for
thirty years, unless sooner repealed by the General As-
In force.
A supplement to the act, passed December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty-six, chapter one hundred and forty-
four, entitled an act, for keeping in repair the Public
Roads, in Prince George's County.
Passed Mar. 29,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be
the duty of the several supervisors of the public roads, in
Prince George's county, and they are hereby authorised
and required, Whenever in their opinion any portion of said
roads may require immediate repair or mending, to have
such repairs done forthwith, and for this purpose they may
employ any person or persons as laborers, whom they may
be able to procure, at the rates of compensation now au-
thorised by law.
Repairs to be
made when su-
pervisors deem
it necessary.
An act to lay out and open a Road in Cecil County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Alexander Craig, John Connard and
Passed Mar. 29,