CHAP. 2.
Deed to be exe-
wife Jane Burgee, sole devisee under his last will and tes-
tament — therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Mahlon Talbott, former sheriff as aforesaid, be and
he is hereby authorised to execute a good and sufficient
deed for the said property, to the said Jase Burgee, and
that her title to the same, under the said deed, when so exe-
cuted and recorded, shall be as good and valid as if a deed
for the said properly had been executed and delivered to
the said Singleton Burgee, in his lifetime, and during the
sheriffalty of said Talbott.
Passed Mar. 28,
An act to incorporate the Marion Total Abstinence Society
of Baltimore.
Individuals in-
Name and style.
May hold pro-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Thomas Pendell, Thomas A. Lane, George Brown,
D. Pollard, James Hooper, William H. H. Turner, Samuel S.
Pentz, Samuel McVay, Edward Church, Thomas Woollen,
Robert R. Ross, and others, who arc now, or may hereafter
become members of the Marion Total Abstinence Society
of Baltimore, and their successors, are hereby declared to
be one community and body corporate, by the name, style
and title of the Marion Total Abstinence Society of Balti-
more, and by that name, they shall be and are hereby made
able and capable in law to have, receive and retain to them
and their successors, property, real and personal; also, de-
vises and bequests of any person or persons, bodies corpo-
rate or politic, capable of making the same; and the same
to dispose of or transfer at their pleasure, in such manner
as they may think proper, provided always, that the said
corporation shall not at any time, hold or possess property,
real, personal or mixed, exceeding in value the sum of one
thousand dollars, over and above such sum as the society
may find necessary for the erection of a hall.
Legal capacity.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corporation,
and their successors, by the name and title aforesaid, shall
be capable in law, to sue and be sued, plead and be im-
pleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be de-
fended, in all or any courts of justice, before all and any
judges, officers or persons whatsoever, in all and singular
actions, matters or demands whatsoever.