Resolution in relation to the Ground Rent upon the State
Tobacco Warehouses Numbers three and four.
WHEREAS, the lot on which the State Tobacco Ware-
houses numbers three and four are erected, in the city of
Baltimore, is subject to a ground rent of four hundred for-
ty-eight dollars and eleven cents annually, and payable to a
certain John J. Myer; and the said Myer having proposed
to release the same to the State for such an amount of five
per cent, bonds as will pay annually the said sum of four
hundred forty-eight dollars and eleven cents — therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Mart/land, That
the Governor be, and he is hereby authorised and required,
to purchase the said lease; and so soon as the said John J.
Myer shall execute to the State a good and sufficient deed,
in fee, for said lot, and the same shall be approved by the
Attorney General for the State, or his deputy for the dis-
trict of Baltimore, that the treasurer lie, anil lie is hereby
authorised and required, to issue eight thousand nine hun-
dred and sixty-two dollars of five per cent. State bonds,
payable to the said J. J. Myer, or his order, the interest on
said bonds to be annually paid, and the principal thereof to
be paid in eight annual instalments, out of the tobacco fund
of this State.
No. 26.
Passed Mar. 9,