CHAP. 260.
This act to be
printed and for-
warded to the
militia officers.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall be printed
under the direction of the adjutant general of this State,
in pamphlet form, and a copy thereof be forwarded, by
mail, to each of the militia officers of this State, whose
duty it is to carry into effect the provisions thereof; and the
Treasurer of the Western Shore is hereby required to pay,
to the order of the adjutant general, the amount which
such printing may cost.
Passed Mar. 10,
An act to repeal certain parts of the act, entitled an act for
the promotion of Internal Improvement, passed at De-
cember session, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, chapter
three hundred and ninety-five.
Repeal of part
sec. 5, act 1836,
ch. 395.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That so much of the fifth section of the act,
entitled an act for the promotion of internal improvement,
passed June four, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, chapter
three hundred and ninety-five, as makes it the duty of the
Baltimore and Ohio Hail Road company to construct
the said road, so as to pass through Hagerstown and
Balt. & O. rail
road co. releas-
ed from paying
$1, 000, 000.
Boonsborough, be and the same is hereby repealed; and that
the forfeiture of one million of dollars, reserved to the
State of Maryland as a penalty, in case the said Baltimore
and Ohio rail road company shall not locate the said road,
in the manner provided for in that act, be and the same is
hereby remitted and released, and any suit instituted to re-
cover the same sum of one million of dollars, or any part
thereof, be and the same is hereby declared to be disconti-
nued, and of no effect.
Right reserved.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the State of Ma-
ryland hereby reserves the right, if after the completion of
the said rail road to the Ohio river, the Legislature should
deem it expedient to require the said Baltimore and Ohio
rail road company to construct a lateral road or branch from
some convenient point of the main stem up the Antietam
valley to Hagerstown; provided, the said lateral or branch
road can be constructed at a cost not exceeding the sum
of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, including dama-
ges for the right of way.