An act supplementary to the several Militia Laws of this
CHAP. 259.
Passed Mar. 10,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in every case where it is made the duty
of any officer of the militia of this State, by any act or
acts of Assembly now in force, to make a division, brigade,
regimental or company return to the adjutant general of
the State, and such officer or officers may have omitted to
make such return when the same last became due, it is
hereby made the duty of the adjutant general to issue an order,
and have the same published three times in one newspaper
in the county where the officer or officers reside, stating
the nature of the return which has been omitted to be
made, and the name of the officer whose duty it was to
have made it; and if there is no newspaper published in
said county, then in one newspaper published in each of
the cities of Annapolis and Baltimore.
If any officer
fail to make re-
port, Adjutant
General to give
public notice.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That, if such return shall not
be made to the adjutant general on or before the last Mon-
day of December next, he shall certify to the Governor
that such return or report has not been received; and the
Governor shall thereupon revoke and cancel the commis-
sion of the officer whose duty it was to have made such
If not made to
certify the fact
to the Govern or
who shall can-
cel commission.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That, in each and every year,
after the passage of this act, it shall be the duty of the ad-
jutant general, if any report or return shall not have been
received by him for two months after the same shall have
become due, to certify that fact to the Governor, who shall
thereupon revoke or cancel the commission of the officer
who has failed, to make the return; provided always, that
whenever any officer, whose duty it shall be to make a re-
port under the provisions of this act, shall not be able to
make the same, in consequence of the neglect or refusal
of any officer or officers to make such reports to said offi-
cer, as the existing acts of Assembly require, or for the
want of such officers being in commission, it shall then be
the duty of such officer to report the fact to the adjutant
general, who shall certify the same to the Governor, which
shall be deemed a compliance with the provisions of this
act, and the commission of such officer shall not be re-
And annually,
to do the same
if report be not
received for two
months after it
became due.