CHAP. 258.
If any other por-
tion be receded,
declared accep-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That, should the Congress of
the United States, at the time of agreeing to the recession
of the aforesaid portion of the county of Washington,
connect therewith any other portion of said county lying
without the corporate limits of the city of Washington,
and if this act shall be confirmed, as aforesaid, such other
portion of said county shall be, and it is hereby accepted
and constituted a portion of the county to be created, as
aforesaid; and, with the citizens thereof, shall stand, in all
respects, on the same footing and equality, entitled to the
provisions of this act, as if said other portion of the coun-
ty of Washington were within the limits first hereinbefore
Passed Mar. 10,
A further supplement to an act for the relief of Samuel
G. Holbrook, of Somerset County.
Time extended
to make col-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the time allowed Samuel G. Holbrook, late sheriff of
Somerset county, to complete his collections, by an act of
Assembly, passed at December session, eighteen hundred
and thirty-seven, chapter thirty-seven, be, and the same is
hereby extended to the first day of May, eighteen hundred
Make affidavit.
and forty-two; provided, that the said Samuel G. Holbrook
shall not proceed to collect, or receive any balance or
amount aforesaid, until he shall have made affidavit, before
some justice of the peace of said county, or when the es-
tate of a deceased person is affected, before the register
of wills for said county, that the said balance or amount is
justly due, and that he hath not received any payment, se-
curity or satisfaction for the same, or any part thereof, nor
any person for him, save the credits, if any, given, on the
written statement or account of said balance or amount,
nor until a certificate of such affidavit, by the officer taking
the same, shall have been endorsed on said written state-
ment or account, or annexed thereto.