or to such of them, respectively, as they appear to be set-
tled and ascertained by the said journal, out of any money
now in the treasury subject to appropriation by the Gener-
al Assembly.
CHAP. 257.
An act to receive as a part of the Territory and Domain
of this State, parts of the County of Washington, in
the District of, Columbia.
Passed Mar. 10,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That whenever the Congress of the United
States shall agree to yield its exclusive jurisdiction over
that portion of the county of Washington, in the District
of Columbia, which lies west of Rock creek, and recede
When jurisdic-
tion of Congress
is yielded to be-
come a part of
this State.
the same to this State, and if this act shall be confirmed
according to the provisions of the constitution of the State,
such recession shall be, and is hereby accepted, and such
territory shall thereupon be held and taken to be a portion
of the domain of the State, and the citizens thereof sub-
ject, in all respects, to the laws, and entitled to all the im-
munities and privileges of the citizens of this State, and
the protection and continuance of all the corporate powers
which may have been granted by the Congress of the
United States.
If this act be
SEC: 2. And be it enacted, That so soon as such act
of recession shall be made by Congress, and this present
act shall be confirmed as aforesaid, said territory shall be,
and it is hereby constituted and erected into a new county,
To constitute a
new county.
and as such shall be entitled to a representation in the Sen-
ate and House of Delegates, on the same basis with the
other present counties of this State; and the first election
for senator and delegates for said county shall be conduct-
ed in all respects in like manner as is now provided for
cases of vacancies, by reason of death or resignation; and
the senator to be elected as aforesaid shall be arranged, by
law, into any one of the three classes into which the Sen-
And entitled to
senator and de-
ate is divided; and until it shall be otherwise ascertained
by the official promulgation of the next Congress, the said
county shall be taken to be entitled to only three delegates;
and said county shall be named, organized and governed as
shall hereafter be provided by law.
Until promul-
gation of census
to have three