A further supplement to the act, entitled an act to provide
for the Inspection of Ground Black Oak Bark intended
for exportation, passed December session, eighteen hun-
dred and twenty-one, chapter seventy-seven.
CHAP. 253.
Passed Mar. 10,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be
lawful for any inspector of ground black oak bark to in-
spect, or to charge any inspect ion fees for inspecting ground
black oak bark, unless the ground black oak bark is ex-
ported from the port of Baltimore for a foreign country,
out of the limits of the United States, or unless the same
No charge for
inspection to be
made unless in-
tended for for-
eign port, &c.
is sold within the limits of the State of Maryland; provided,
that nothing contained in this act shall prohibit said inspec-
tor inspecting and charging his inspection fees in any case
where he inspects ground black oak bark at the request of
the owner.
An act to pay the Visitors of the Jail from Baltimore
Passed Mar. 10,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
the visiters of the jail of Baltimore city and county, re-
presenting the county of Baltimore at the board of visitors
of said jail, shall receive two dollars for each day they
may be in attendance at said jail.
To receive $2
for each day's
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of
Baltimore county be, and they are hereby required to levy,
on the assessable property of Baltimore county, at the
time of making the usual levy, such sum or sums of money
necessary to a compliance with this act.
How paid.