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Session Laws, 1840
Volume 592, Page 12   View pdf image
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A further supplement to an act, entitled an act to blend
Newtown, Trap and New Freedom, in Frederick Coun-
ty, into one, by the name of Jefferson, passed December
session, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, chapter two
hundred and ninety-nine.

CHAP. 16.

Passed Jan. 14,

SECTION l. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the elections of commissioners under the
act to which this is a supplement, be hereafter held on the
first Monday of May, eighteen hundred and forty-one, and
on the first Monday in May annually thereafter.

Election of

SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That all such parts of the origi-
nal act to which this is a supplement, and of the several
supplements thereto, that are inconsistent with this act, be
and the same are hereby repealed.


Repeal of in-
consistent acts.

An act to extend the time of Thomas Baldwin, late Sheriff
of Prince George's County, for collecting his fees.

Passed Jan. 16,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas Baldwin, former sheriff of Prince
George's county, be and he is hereby authorised and em-
powered to collect all fees that may yet be due him, as
sheriff as aforesaid, in the manner now allowed by law;
provided, that he shall in every case, before he proceeds to
execute for any of said fees, make out a fair account there-
of, with an affidavit annexed, that they are due, and that he
has not received, or any other person for him, any part of
the same.

Authorised to


SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall continue
in force until the first day of January, eighteen hundred
and forty-two, and no longer.

In force.

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Session Laws, 1840
Volume 592, Page 12   View pdf image
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