limited to, the comprehensive renovation or rehabilitation thereof
or for the purpose of eliminating unhealthful, unsanitary or unsafe
conditions, lessening density, eliminating obsolete or other uses
detrimental to the public welfare, or otherwise removing or pre-
venting the spread of blight or deterioration, and for the payment
of any and all costs and expenses incurred in connection with or
incidental to the acquisition of said land or property, including, but
not limited to, the cost and expenses of relocating persons or other
legal entities displaced by the acquisition of said land or property or
rights, interests, privileges or easements therein, and for the develop-
ment or redevelopment, including, but not limited to, the compre-
hensive renovation or rehabilitation of any land or property or any
right, interest, easement or privilege therein, in the City of Balti-
more, and for the payment of any and all costs and expenses incurred
in connection with or incidental to said development or redevelop-
ment, including comprehensive renovation or rehabilitation, includ-
ing, but not limited to, the costs and expenses of planning for the
area in which said development or redevelopment is undertaken, and
for the demolition, removal, relocation, renovation or alteration of
land, buildings, streets, highways, alleys, utilities or services, and
other structures or improvements, and for the construction, re-
construction, installation, relocation or repair of buildings, streets,
highways, alleys, utilities or services, and other structures or im-
provements, in connection with the development or redevelopment
of land or property, including the comprehensive renovation or
rehabilitation thereof; all of such land or property to be acquired,
developed, redeveloped, renovated, rehabilitated, altered, improved,
held or disposed of as provided by law.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore may, by ordinance or ordinances, authorize the issuance
of said certificates of indebtedness in series maturing at stated
periods, and may make payable annually a portion of the principal
of said certificates of indebtedness, and any portion or all of said
certificates of indebtedness may or may not be registered, and said
certificates of indebtedness, or any portion thereof, may or may not
have interest coupons attached; all as may be provided by or under
the authority of said ordinance or ordinances, and said certificates
of indebtedness when issued, shall bear interest at such rate or rates
as may be provided by or under the authority of said ordinance or
ordinances. If said certificates of indebtedness are issued in series
maturing at stated periods, and a portion of the principal is made
payable annually, the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall
annually raise by taxation the amount of money required to meet the
interest and the portion of the principal payable in each year. If said
certificates of indebtedness are not issued in series, any premiums
realized above the par value of the whole amount of said certificates
of indebtedness shall constitute a part of the sinking fund created
for the purpose of paying the loan herein authorized. If said cer-
tificates of indebtedness are issued in series, the net premiums result-
ing from the sale of the entire loan shall be placed to the credit of
any existing sinking funds established for the payment of any loans of
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore may by one ordinance, submit the whole of this loan
to the legal voters of Baltimore City, at one time, or it may by one