and all costs and expenses incurred in connection with or incidental
to the acquisition of said land or property, including, but not
limited to, the costs and expenses of relocating persons or other
legal entities displaced by the acquisition of said land or property
or rights, interests, privileges or easements therein, and for the
development or redevelopment, including, but not limited to, the
comprehensive renovation or rehabilitation of any land or prop-
erty or any right, interest, easement or privilege therein, in the
City of Baltimore, and for the payment of any and all costs and
expenses incurred in connection with or incidental to said develop-
ment or redevelopment, including comprehensive renovation or
rehabilitation, including, but not limited to, the costs and expenses
of planning for the area in which said development or redevelop-
ment is undertaken, and for the demolition, removal, relocation,
renovation or alteration of land, buildings, streets, highways,
alleys, utilities or services, and other structures or improvements,
and for the construction, reconstruction, installation, relocation or
repair of buildings, streets, highways, alleys, utilities or services,
and other structures or improvements, in connection with the
development or redevelopment of land or property, including the
comprehensive renovation or rehabilitation thereof; and to au-
thorize said municipality to submit an ordinance or ordinances for
said purpose to the legal voters of Baltimore City; and declaring
this Act to be an emergency measure.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Chapter 489 of the Laws of Maryland of 1957, be and it is hereby
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted. That the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore be and it is hereby authorized to issue the certificates
of indebtedness of said corporation to an amount not exceeding
Thirty-Five Million Dollars ($35,000,000.00), the said certificates of
indebtedness to be issued from time to time and for such amounts,
and payable at such periods, and to bear such rate or rates of
interest, all as the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall by
ordinance or ordinances from time to time provide; but said certifi-
cates of indebtedness shall not be issued in whole or in part unless an
ordinance or ordinances of the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more providing for the issuance thereof shall be submitted to the
legal voters of Baltimore City at such time and places as may be
fixed by said ordinance or ordinances and be approved by a majority
of the votes cast at such time and place as required by Section 7 of
Article XI of the Constitution of Maryland; and the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, in submitting any ordinance or ordinances for
the issuance of said certificates of indebtedness to the legal voters
of Baltimore City, may submit and resubmit the same at any
municipal election as well as at any general election to be held in
Baltimore City.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the proceeds of said
certificates of indebtedness hereby authorized to be issued, not ex-
ceeding the par value thereof, shall be used in the City of Baltimore's
Urban Renewal Program for the acquisition, by purchase, lease,
condemnation or any other legal means, of land or property, or any
Tight, interest, franchise, easement or privilege therein, in the City
of Baltimore, for development or redevelopment, including, but not