47. The salary of the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals
shall be Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars per
annum; the salary of each of the other judges of the Court
of Appeals shall be Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars
per annum; the salary of each of the several judges of the
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City shall be Nine Thousand
Five Hundred Dollars per annum and the salary of each of
the judges of the Circuit Courts of the first seven Judicial
Circuits shall be Thirteen Thousand Dollars per annum; all
salaries herein provided for shall be payable monthly.
SEC. 2. And be if further enacted, That Section 80 of Arti-
cle 1 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930
Ed. ), title "Allegany County", sub-title "Circuit Court", sub-
heading "Judges—Salaries", Section 73 of Article 12 of said
Code, title "Garrett County", sub-title "Circuit Court", sub-
heading "Judges—Salaries"; and Section 116 of Article 22
of said Code, title "Washington County", sub-title "Circuit
Court", sub-heading "Judges—Salaries", be and the same are
hereby repealed.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That Chapter 21 of the
Acts of 1948 Extraordinary Session, and Chapter 55 of the
Acts of 1948 Extraordinary Session, be and the same are
hereby repealed.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That, on and after the
effective date of this Act, the State shall pay monthly to the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore for each Judge of the
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City an amount equal to a one-
twelfth portion of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars as
partial reimbursement to said Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore for amounts now contributed by it to the salaries
of the Judges of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City; but
nothing herein shall be construed to limit the amounts which
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore may determine to
pay Judges of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City under
the authority granted by Article 4, Section 31A of the Con-
stitution of Maryland.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect July 1, 1949.
Approved March 31, 1949.