Referendum Area No. 2; Henry G. Bissell, Florine Hall, and
Bomer E. Watkins in Referendum Area No. 3; who shall act
as a Board of Election Supervisors and Judges of Election for
the respective areas, and shall have the same duties, powers,
and authority as is provided for the judges of election in the
Town of Landover Hills. If any person so designated shall
decline or fail to serve, the remaining members or member of
his committee shall select a resident or residents of the same
area to fill the vacancy.
To be eligible to register as a voter in the referendum
election, a person must be an adult citizen of the United
States, and must have resided in the Referendum Area for
for a period of seven days before the date of the election.
Registration for the referendum shall entitle all voters so
registered, in Areas voting in favor of annexation, to remain
on the books as permanently registered voters of the Town,
and to vote in any subsequent Town election.
Each Area Committee created shall provide registration
books, booths, ballot boxes, tally sheets, printed ballots, and
the place of registration and election, and shall, not later
than April 6, 1949, post in not less than five conspicuous
places in its Area a typewritten or printed notice notifying
all residents of the Area that a referendum election will be
held on the date, between the hours and at the place desig-
nated therein, to determine whether or not this Act shall
become effective as to said Area, and also notifying them of
the qualifications for voters, and that in order to vote in
said election it will be necessary to register before the Com-
mittee, acting as Judges of Election, on April 11, 1949, at
the place and between the hours designated in said notice.
The Committee shall sit for registration of voters on April
11, 1949, and shall have power to administer oaths to all
applicants for registration.
Ballots to be used at the referendum election shall have
printed on one line "For Annexation to Town of Landover
Hills" and on the second line "Against Annexation to Town
of Landover Hills", with a square opposite each line for the
mark of the voter.
Said election shall be conducted, insofar as practicable,
as are elections for town officials under the Charter of the
Town of Landover Hills, and upon the closing of the polls,
the Committee shall canvass the votes and publicly announce
the result. A majority vote for annexation in a Referendum
Area shall make this Act immediately effective as to that
Referendum Area, without regard to the result of the vote
in any other Referendum Area.