828 • LAWS OF MARYLAND. [CH. 340
come before the Mayor and Town Council for action, subject
to such rules and regulations for the transaction of business
thereat as the Mayor and Town Council may determine. In
addition to the regular meetings, special meetings of the
Mayor and Town Council may at any time be convened by
the Mayor, or at the request of three members of that body.
Special meetings shall be confined to the business set out in
the call for such special meeting unless there be unanimous
consent of all Councilmen to the consideration of other mat-
ters at such special meeting. The Mayor of the Town of
Landover Hills shall be the executive officer thereof, clothed
with all the power necessary to secure the enforcement of all
ordinances of said town under this charter. At all meetings
of the Mayor and Town Council, a majority of the whole
membership of the Mayor and Town Council, present and
voting, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business, and the affirmative votes of a majority of the whole
membership of the Mayor and Town Council shall be neces-
sary for the passage of an ordinance, law or resolution at all
times. All ordinances, resolutions, orders and appropria-
tions shall take effect from the date of their passage unless
otherwise provided therein.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose
of determining whether the citizens residing in the areas
within the limits described in Section 1 of this Act, but not
in the original limits of the Town of Landover Hills, desire
said areas to be annexed to the Town of Landover Hills, said
additional areas shall be divided into three Referendum Areas
as follows:
Referendum Area No. 1 shall embrace that area east of the
present corporate limits of the Town of Landover Hills and
south of the southerly line of the Annapolis Road.
Referendum Area No. 2 shall embrace that area north of
the northerly line of the Annapolis Road which is not in-
cluded in the subdivisions known as Woodlawn.
Referendum Area No. 3 shall embrace that area north of
the northerly line of the Annapolis Road which is included in
the subdivisions known as Woodlawn.
A special referendum election shall be held in each of said
areas on Wednesday, April 13, 1949, to determine whether
the citizens of the respective areas desire them to be annexed
to the Town of Landover Hills. Committees to conduct said
referendum elections shall be George Feudale, F. Marjorie
Silver, and Henry Kyhos in Referendum Area No. 1; Charles
D. Meade, Joseph J. Robertson, and Carroll B. Rumbaugh in