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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 640   View pdf image (33K)
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the Comptroller, and shall be disbursed and distributed,
except where otherwise provided, as follows:

(1) There are to be allocated and credited to the gen-
eral funds of the State: (a) One-half of all revenues col-
lected. from licensees licensed under Section 7 of this
Article; (b) One-half of all revenues collected from
licensees licensed under Section 15 of this Article; (c)
One-half of all revenues collected from licensees licensed
under Section 17 of this Article;

(2) There shall be divided among and allocated and
paid to the several counties of the State and to Baltimore
City on the basis of population, according to the latest
available Federal census: (a) One-half of all revenues
collected from licensees licensed under Section 7 of this
Article; (b) One-quarter of all revenues collected from
licensees licensed under Section 15 of this Article; (c)
One-half of all revenues collected from licensees licensed
under Section 17 of this Article; provided, however, that
before payment of such revenues to the several Counties
of the State and Baltimore City, the Comptroller shall
first pay out of such revenues the sums required to be paid
by Section 2 of Article 22 of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1947 Supplement) and thereafter the balance of such
revenues shall be divided, allocated and paid to the several
Counties and Baltimore City as hereinbefore provided;

(3) One-quarter of all revenues collected from licensees
licensed under Section 15 of this Article shall be allocated
and paid to the Maryland State Fair Board, and used for
the promotion of State and County Agricultural Fairs and

(4) All revenues not hereinabove specifically allocated
shall be credited to the general funds of the State.

(B) From the funds allocated to each County under
the provisions of this Section, the County Commissioners
of the County shall allocate and pay to each incorporated
town in the County a share of such funds in the ratio
which the population of each such town (figured on the best
and most reliable figures available in the opinion of the
County Commissioners) bears to the total population of
the County, provided, however, that such distribution shall
be made if and only if the two following conditions are
met: (1) only if such funds are used for the construction
or maintenance of streets, or sewerage facilities or water
systems, or garbage collections and disposal within the
town; and (2) only if such town shall raise by taxation
and apply for the same purpose as are the distributed


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 640   View pdf image (33K)
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