funds an amount equal to any funds so distributed. The
share which any incorporated town failing to comply with
the provisions of this Section would have received upon
such compliance shall be retained by the County.
(C) Any funds allocated and paid to any County of
the State under the provisions of this Section, which shall
not be distributed to incorporated towns in the County as
hereinabove provided, shall be used by the County only
for the construction and maintenance of capital assets,
including roads, schools, water systems, electric light and
power systems, gas systems, bridges and grade-crossing
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That for the part
of the year 1949 after the effective date of this Act, the
Comptroller shall pay, out of the portion of the racing
revenues which the Comptroller is directed to use for the
payment of compensation of the Chief Medical Examiner,
the two Assistant Medical Examiners and the toxicologist
of the Department of Post Mortem Examiners, (1) to the
City of Baltimore the amount of compensation of the said
Chief Medical Examiner, the two Assistant Medical Exam-
iners and the toxicologist provided for in the Ordinance
of Estimates of the City of Baltimore for the year 1949
and actually paid by the City of Baltimore, if any, and (2)
to the Chief Medical Examiner, the two Assistant Medical
Examiners and the toxicologist, respectively, the differ-
ence between the compensation of such Chief Medical
Examiner, the two Assistant Medical Examiners and the
toxicologist as fixed by the Commission of Post Mortem
Examiners and as provided for in the Ordinance of Esti-
mates of the City of Baltimore for the year 1949 and
actually paid by the City of Baltimore, if any.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1949.
Approved April 22, 1949.
(Senate Bill 309)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sec-
tion 1A of Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1947 Supplement), title "Licenses, " sub-title