(Senate Bill 289)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section
260 of Article 66i/2 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1947 Supplement), title "Motor Vehicles", sub-title
"Operation of Vehicles Upon Highways", providing that
clerks of Trial Magistrates and of the Traffic Court
may accept bail in motor vehicle law violations.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 260 of Article 66 1/22 of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1947 Supplement), title "Motor Vehicles",
sub-title "Operation of Vehicles Upon Highways", be and
it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to
read as follows:
260. (Person Arrested Entitled to Immediate Hearing
Before the Nearest Available Justice or Trial Magistrate.
Bond Requirements). In case any person shall be taken
into custody because of a violation of any of the provisions
of this Article, he shall forthwith be taken in the counties
of this State before the nearest available Justice of the
Peace or Trial Magistrate, or the Clerk to the Trial Mag-
istrate, committing Magistrate or Police Justice of the
county in which the offense is committed, or if in Balti-
more City before the Justice of the Peace of the Traffic
Court, or clerk of said court, and be entitled to an imme-
diate hearing before said Justice of the Peace, Trial Mag-
istrate, Committing Magistrate, Police Justice or Justice
of the Peace of the Traffic Court; and if such hearing can-
not then be had, he shall be released from custody on
giving bond or undertaking executed by a fidelity or surety
company authorized to give such bonds in this State; or
by a person or persons acceptable as security or securities
by said Magistrate, Justice of the Peace of the Traffic
Court or Clerk of said Traffic Court, Trial Magistrate or
Clerk to said Trial Magistrate, or Police Justice, such bond
or undertaking to be in amount determined by the Magis-
trate or Clerk to the Magistrate not to exceed the maxi-
mum amount prescribed as the fin, e for such offense, and
to be conditioned for his appearance at the time and place
set for the hearing of the charges preferred against him
or on giving his personal undertaking to appear as afore-
said secured by the deposit of a sum determined by the
Magistrate or Clerk to the Magistrate not to exceed the
maximum amount prescribed as the fine for such offense,
and in case such bond or undertaking shall not be given