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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 324   View pdf image (33K)
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There shall be returned to the county or Baltimore City in
which the owner of motorcycles, motor bicycles, bicycles hav-
ing motor attachments or similar vehicles, resides, the sum
of $2. 00 and if the owner also resides within the corporate
limits of any municipality or special taxing area in a county,
the municipality or special taxing area shall be entitled to
receive from the county the sum of f 1. 00.

(Class E. Pneumatic Tires. ) Single unit commercial motor
vehicles with two or more axles, shall pay a registration fee
based upon gross shipping weight of the chassis and battery
as certified by the manufacturer, with gross weight limita-
tions for the vehicle and load, as follows:

Maximum Gross

Chassis Weight Weight Limit Fee

Less than 2, 500 10, 000 |20. 00

2, 501 to 4, 000 17, 000 33. 00

4, 001 to 5, 000 20, 000 50. 00

5, 001 to 6, 000 25, 000 95. 00

6, 001 to 7, 500 32, 000 135. 00

7, 501 to 9, 000 35, 000 175. 00

45, 000 210. 00

Over 9, 001 55, 000 250. 00

Provided any truck having % ton manufacturers' rating
capacity and under shall pay $17. 00. Any truck having a manu-
facturer's rating of from one to two tons capacity, inclusive,
and used by a farmer as that term is defined hereinbelow shall
pay $15. 00; the Department shall pay to the County or Balti-
more City in which the owner of such a truck resides the sum
of $5. 00. Any truck having a manufacturer's rating of over
two tons capacity and used by a farmer as that term is de-
fined hereinbelow shall pay $22. 00; the Department shall pay
to the County or Baltimore City in which the owner of such
a truck resides the sum of $7. 00.

The Department shall pay to the County or Baltimore City
in which the owner of a Class E motor vehicle resides, the
following sums for such vehicles as per chassis weight as
shown above:

% ton or less $5. 00

3/4 ton to 2, 500 5. 00

2, 501 to 4, 000 8. 00

4, 001 to 5, 000 15. 00

5, 001 to 6, 000 20. 00

6, 001 to 7, 500 35. 00

7, 501 to 9, 000 35. 00

Over 9, 001 50. 00


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 324   View pdf image (33K)
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